Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Same Room... Same Teacher... Different Subject :)

Hello again!

Ms. Hurst again... in addition to being your new science teacher, I'm also going to be your new Geography Teacher.

We will stay in the same room, so you'll be with me from 11:50 until the end of the school day.

I'm going to do my best to pick up where your last teacher left off (either Ms. CB or...) but for some of you, we might be repeating a few things, and I'll try to have something else for you to work on until we are all at the same place.

One of my favorite teachers was Mr. Burnham, who was MY Geography teacher... So I'm really excited to have a chance to steal some of his ideas... they might seem a little goofy... but someday you'll thank me ;)

I'm excited that we're going to get to be together for TWO very different classes... and I hope you are too!

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