Saturday, February 18, 2012

February Vacation Homework

During the vacation... I am asking that each student watch either:

 "Invictus", a movie about a South African rugby team after apartheid. (Starring Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman)


"Hotel Rwanda", a movie about one man's mission to save people from the genocide that occurred there. (Starring Don Cheadle)

Invictus is available at Red Box, and Hotel Rwanda can be ordered via NetFlix, but only as an actually DVD.

Another option is to rent them off of iTunes, both are available, for $2.99

I'd like you to pick one to watch, and then either respond to the blog post about the movie you chose, email a response, or bring a written response on Monday after break. Respond to AT LEAST one of the following questions.

"What did you think about the movie?"
"How did it make you feel?"
"How realistic do you think it was?" (this question might require some outside research)

You can certainly get together and watch one of the movies, and if you do, discuss the movie and you may turn in a group response.

After the break we will be doing short units on both South Africa and Rwanda.

Have a fun and safe break! I am available via email at all times if you have any questions :)

Also... Jupiter Grades will be updated by MONDAY... if you are missing any assignments, look through your stuff and bring it in the day we come back. If you can't find them, I will allow you to make up SOME of them, come see me to get copies of the worksheet.

Term 3 ENDS ON FRIDAY after we come back.


  1. It made me feel that the was they treated prisoners when apartheid was still occuring, was unfair. Also it made me feel that Rugby is *cough violent, and Mr. Mandela's words/speech are very cool. I think it is very realistic because it's based on a true story, apartheid did happen. I also think it's realistic that people would be fighting in rugby... :p

  2. I watch the movie Invictus
    I think the movie was good because it told a true story.
    the movie made me feel good because when the Springbok win the game at the end, it made me happy.
    I think the movie was really realistic because it was telling a true story about something that actually happened in Africa.

  3. I watched the movie Invictus.
    I thought the movie was fantastic :)
    I was amazed when South Africa defeated New Zeland in the Rugby world cup because New Zeland is the best rugby team. It taught me that with a little hard work and effort and if you believe in yourself and your team, anything can be done. I'm so happy Morgan Freeman was in it because i think he played the perfect president. I know this is a little late but hey it's vacation :D

    1. Oh and i thought this movie was very realistic because i could see it happening. They hated the team and it was terrible but then the president started helping them and they got better and everyone started liking them. :)

  4. I watched the movie invictus.
    The movie made me feel that i should appreciate everything that's around me and of course glad that South Africa won the world cup at the end! Since it was based on a true story, it made you think "Wow, did Africans really had to go through all of this just because of their race?", thank god America has changed over the years and human rights. Rugby is a very intense and dangerous game involving no protection or any kind of gear in playing the game. It is almost like football.

  5. I watched the movie Invictus.
    I thought the movie was good, and exciting. It made me feel like that could really happen in real life. I was amazed.
