Here you will find an outline of the policies and procedures of Ms. Hurst's classroom. As a student, you are responsible for following the policies and procedures at all time. Failing to do so will result in disciplinary action. As a parent, if you ever have a question about what is expected of your child in my classroom, you will find many of your answers right here.
Make-up Work:
Students who are absent from class for any reason are responsible for making up the work they missed.
Upon their return, students will find their make-up work in the "Make-Up Work" folders located on the filing cabinet. Their work will have their name on it along with any special instructions. Students will have as many days as they were absent to make up the work. (If they were gone on Monday, when they return on Tuesday they should get the work, and return it on Wednesday). In some cases, if a student is absent they can email me at and I will email them the assignments (if possible).
It is the student's responsibility to get their make-up work, not the teacher's responsibility to remind them to get it.
Late Work:
Late work WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED more than ONE DAY after it is due.
Homework is due IN THE BASKET BY THE TIME THE BELL RINGS FOR CLASS TO BEING. If it is not in the basket, it is LATE.
Students can turn work in for HALF CREDIT, up to one day after it is due. After that, students will not receive credit for the assignment. So if an assignment is due on Tuesday and the student does not have it, they may turn it in for half-credit on Wednesday, but no later than 2pm.
No-Name Papers
Students should ALWAYS put their names on their papers.
Work turned in without a name will be kept for ONE WEEK. It will be located in the "No Name" folder, which is available BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL ONLY. Students may not search for no-name work during class time.
After one week, any unclaimed work will be THROWN AWAY.
Students who violate class rules or policies will receive one warning.
After the first warning, the student will receive a LUNCH DETENTION to be served the following day. Students will receive a detention slip with the reason for the detention, that MUST BE SIGNED BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN and returned within two days of the detention being issued.
After the second warning, or if the behavior continues to be an issue, the student will receive an AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION LASTING 1 HOUR, to be served in Ms. Hurst's class. Per school policy, 24 hours notice will be given to the parent/guardian to allow time to arrange for transportation. Notice will be both written (via a slip sent home with the student) and verbal (via a phone call from Ms. Hurst to the parent/guardian on record).
AFTER THREE AFTER-SCHOOL DETENTIONS, I will involve the administration and guidance offices via Mr. MacLeod and Ms. Choi. A meeting between a parent/guardian will need to be arranged to figure out a plan to improve the student's behavior in class and address the issues at hand.
Fighting/Bullying/Physical Harassment
This classroom has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICE regarding fighting, bullying, and physical harassment of any kind.
Students who choose to engage in these behaviors will be immediately dismissed from class and sent to wait in the hallway until Mr. MacLeod is available.
Fighting, bullying, and physical harassment are SERIOUS OFFENCES, and can result in suspension or expulsion. It will NOT be tolerated in the classroom.
Please see the "Rules" page for general classroom rules.