Saturday, February 11, 2012

Weekend Homework

In order to do our "digital field trip" on Monday and Tuesday, you need to do some research ahead of time. The worksheet you got on Friday has your assigned country on it.

The 10 questions will help you as you do the background research on your country.

On Monday and Tuesday you will get to use the iPads to do more research, collect pictures, explore with GoogleEarth, and put together a "digital scrapbook" in the form of a keynote presentation.

On Wednesday, you will present your "scrapbook" to the class so we can all learn about the country you "visited".

If you are having trouble finding information, try these sites as a starting place:

The BBC: Country Profiles

Nations Online

The World Factbook (from the CIA)

The U.S. Department of State

If you are stuck, or need help with something... either post a comment to this blog entry or email Ms. Hurst :)

Hope you are all having a great weekend!

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